3D visualization of crossborder patterns of groundwater depletion: Resource Deliverable D3.5

Willem Jan Zaadnoordijk, Jelle Buma, Ronald Vernes, Koen Beerten, Bart Rogiers, Cis Slenter, Bernd Linder, Hans Peter Broers

Research outputpeer-review

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H3O-PLUS, WP3 of Resource, aims to be an advanced demonstration of a transboundary assessment of groundwater resources.T his report describes the current practises of evaluation of the groundwater quantity monitoring in the three countries for groundwater management. It also covers the set-up of a database of groundwater head data and meteorological data for the H3O area covering parts of Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands. The data is analysed, and the results are visualised in maps and transects. Groundwater head data within the provinces Noord-Brabant and Limburg from the Dutch national subsurface data repository (https://www.DINOloket.nl), Flemish data from VMM and SCK, and German data within North Rhine-Westphalia from the Erftverband have been added, together with precipitation, evaporation, and temperature data from the Dutch, Belgian, and German Meteorological Institutes. The report represents the first transboundary visualisation of groundwater heads and cross-border patterns of groundwater depletion for the study region based on the respective monitoring networks in the participating countries. These visualisations are now available through a dedicated transboundary GeoERA Groundwater web viewer. The results of the current report will be input for the next deliverable (D3.6) where we will explore the current protection and management strategies for shallow resources and deep paleo resources in the region. For this aim, the consortium cooperates with the regional stakeholders involved in the project, using the newly developed information and visualization system to help groundwater managers to harmonize groundwater strategies. As such, the work has been supported in part by the Dutch provinces of Noord-Brabant and Limburg, as well as the water companies Brabant Water and WML.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherEC - European Commission
Number of pages89
StatePublished - 26 Jul 2021

Publication series

PublisherEC - European Commission

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