6WCSCM-Sixth World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring: Comparison of Seismic Responses for the MYRRHA Reactor Building between Fixed Base and Seismic Isolation on different Soil Conditions

Jaime Vega, Bong Yoo, Didier De Bruyn, Jaime De Oteiza Gallego

    Research outputpeer-review


    This paper presents the comparison of the seismic responses at the reactor vessel support for the 100 MWth MYRRHA (Multi-purpose hYbrid Research Reactor Hightech Application) subjected to the Design Basis Earthquake of 0.3 g between fixed base and seismic isolation application Reactor Building which are supported on various soil conditions.
    The general layout of the reactor building, including the safety-related reactor assemblies and components, as well as the LBE coolant, is modeled using a finite element model as superstructure. The three soil conditions to be considered are the site specific, soft and hard soils, which are modeled using a spring and dashpot assuming homogenized soil condition. High damping rubber bearings are used for the seismic isolation system and they are modeled representing an equivalent linear spring and damper system.
    The horizontal seismic acceleration responses in the form of Floor Response Spectra of the seismic isolation case, display lower levels than those of the fixed base for the three soil conditions over a threshold frequency. The effect of seismic isolation on the vertical components is less acute. The relative displacements between fixed and seismic isolated structures are also investigated to allow checks on shear strain in the high damping isolators.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication6WCSCM-Sixth World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring
    Subtitle of host publicationCompariso of Seismic Responses for the MYRRHA Reactor Building between Fixed Base and Seismic Isolation on different Soil Conditions
    Place of PublicationBarcelona, Spain
    PublisherCIMNE - International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering
    Number of pages6
    ISBN (Electronic)978-84-942844-5-8
    StatePublished - 15 Jul 2014
    EventWORLD Conference structure Control - Barcelona
    Duration: 1 Jul 20143 Jul 2014


    ConferenceWORLD Conference structure Control

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