85Kr gas standards for γ-spectrometry calibration - Specifications

    Research outputpeer-review


    This document describes the specifications for the purchase of 85Kr gas standards for γ-spectrometry calibration by SCK•CEN. At the Laboratory for High and Medium Activity (LHMA) of the SCK•CEN, 85Kr γ-spectrometry is performed on irradiated fuel rods to determine the 85Kr lineic volume and the Fission Gas Release (FGR). Recently a new method has been developed to perform such γ-spectrometry measurements. In order to increase the performance and simplify the calibration procedure, a traceable 85Kr gas standard is needed with realistic fuel rod plenum characteristics. In total four 85Kr standards are purchased, two primary and two back-up standards, with two different activities (23 GBq nominal and 90 GBq nominal). The canisters will be made out of certified Zr-4 tube cladding (outer Ø 9.5 mm nominal, inner Ø 8.35 mm nominal) with on both sides Zr-4 end plugs, creating an internal space of 50 mm long to be filled with 85Kr gas. The standards should be BELAC-certified or equivalent in dimensions and activity in order to be traceable standards for the γ-spectrometry measurement installation at LHMA.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherSCK CEN
    Number of pages17
    StatePublished - Sep 2008

    Publication series

    NameSCK•CEN Reports
    PublisherStudiecentrum voor Kernenergie

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