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Electrochemical measurement of corrosion product thermodynamic properties in lead-bismuth cooled nuclear reactors by solid-state ionics
Gregori, G. & Lim, J. (Peer reviewer), 29 Nov 2023, VUB - Vrije Universiteit Brussel. 215 p.Research output
Open AccessFile86 Downloads (Pure) -
Electrochemical measurement of solubility product of metal oxides in liquid metals by coulometric titration of oxygen
Gregori, G., Aerts, A., Gladinez, K., Rosseel, K., Doneux, T. & Lim, J., 10 Nov 2022, In: Electrochimica Acta. 432, 7 p., 141202.Research output › peer-review
Open Access -
Electrochemical and metallographic characterization of Ni-NiO-NiBi3 equilibrium in molten lead-bismuth eutectic
Gregori, G., Tsisar, V., Doneux, T. & Lim, J., Feb 2024, In: Journal of Nuclear Materials. 589, 10 p., 154866.Research output › peer-review
Electrochemical Measurement of CoO Solubility Product and Co Solubility in Molten Lead-Bismuth Eutectic by Solid-State Ionic Devices
Gregori, G., Doneux, T. & Lim, J., 2023, In: Journal of The Electrochemical Society. 170, 6, 5 p., 061505.Research output › peer-review
2 Scopus citations -
RENEB – Running the European Network of biological dosimetry and physical retrospective dosimetry
Kulka, U., Abend, M., Ainsbury, E., Badie, C., Barquinero, J. F., Barrios, L., Beinke, C., Bortolin, E., Cucu, A., De Amicis, A., Dominguez, I., Fattibene, P., Frovig, A. M., Gregoire, E., Guogyte, K., Hadjidekova, V., Jaworska, A., Kriehuber, R., Lindholm, C. & Lloyd, D. & 36 others, , 6 Oct 2016, In: International Journal of Radiation Biology. 93, 1, p. 2-14Research output › peer-review
Dosisafhankelijke effecten van uranium op Arabidopsis thaliana bij pH 7,5
Peetermans, G. & Vandenhove, H. (Peer reviewer), May 2012, Geel, Belgium: Thomas More. 73 p.Research output
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Change in structure between the I=1/2 states in 181Tl and 177,179Au
James G., C., Barzakh, A. E., Seliverstov, M., Andreyev, A. N., Andel, B., Antalic, S., Ascher, P., Atanasov, D., Beck, D., Bieron, J., Blaum, K., Borgmann, C., Breitenfeldt, M., Capponi, L., Cocolios, T. E., Day Goodacre, T., Derkx, X., De Witte, H., Elseviers, J. & Fedorov, D. V. & 46 others, , 5 Oct 2018, In: Physical Review C. 786, p. 355-363Research output › peer-review
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Dosisafhankelijke stressresponsen in eendenkroos (Lemna minor) blootgesteld aan gammastraling
Agunloye, A., Vandenhove, H. (Peer reviewer) & Vanmarcke, H. (Peer reviewer), May 2012, Geel, Belgium: Thomas More. 66 p.Research output
Open AccessFile46 Downloads (Pure) -
EJP-CONCERT European Joint Programme for the Integration of Radiation Protection Research H2020 – 662287: D 2.2 Joint research needs and priorities addressing radiation protection research relevant for medical use of radiation and communication/risk perception in radiation protection field
Salomaa, S., Smyth, V., Hoeschen, C., Perko, T., Meskens, G., Turcanu, C., Van Oudheusden, M., Schieber, C., Baudé, S., Duranova, T., Pölzl-Viol, C., Choffel - de Witte, I., Tomkiv, Y., Baumont, G., Oughton, D., Cantone, M. C., Economides, S. & Liland, A., 4 Jan 2016, EC - European Commission. 93 p.Research output › peer-review
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EJP-CONCERT European Joint Programme for the Integration of Radiation Protection Research H2020 – 662287: D 5.1 – CONCERT Stakeholder Management Strategy
Bouffler, S., Salomaa, S., Sirkka, L., Grigioni, M., Perko, T., Meskens, G., Impens, N., Rollinger, F., Duranova, T., Willrodt, C., Pölzl-Viol, C., Oughton, D., Carr, S. & Bexon, A., 15 Dec 2015, EC - European Commission. 14 p.Research output › peer-review
Open AccessFile27 Downloads (Pure) -
Early stages of liquid metal corrosion - Austenitic stainless steel 316L exposed to liquid lead-bismuth eutectic
Lopes Maia, E., Gavrilov, S. & Tsisar, V., 11 Oct 2024, VUB - Vrije Universiteit Brussel. 249 p.Research output
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Book of Abstracts. International conference: RICOMET 2015. Risk perception, communication and ethics of exposures to ionising radiation.
Perko, T. (Editor), Lazaro, P. G. (Editor), Choffel de Witte, I. (Editor) & Koron, B. (Editor), Jun 2015, 0 ed. SCK CEN. 100 p. (SCK•CEN Reports; no. BA-69)Research output › peer-review
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Screening of individual radiosensitivity using the γ-H2AX assay: differences between high-LET and low-LET radiation
Aran Kanishka, F. & Baatout, S. (Peer reviewer), Oct 2012, London, United Kingdom: UCL - University College London. 69 p.Research output
Open AccessFile61 Downloads (Pure) -
beta-delayed fission in proton-rich nuclei in the lead region
Ghys, L., Sep 2015, Leuven, Belgium: KUL - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. 180 p.Research output
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MELODI Workshop 2013
Impens, N. (Editor), Baatout, S. (Editor) & Hardeman, F. (Peer reviewer), Oct 2013, 0 ed. SCK CEN. 200 p. (SCK•CEN Reports; no. BA-58)Research output › peer-review
Open AccessFile188 Downloads (Pure) -
Implications of Medical Low Dose Radiation Exposure
Dabin, J., Domienik-Andrzejewska, J., Huet, C., Mirowski, M. & Vanhavere, F., 8 Jan 2021, (Submitted) D2.19 ed. EC - European Commission. 64 p. (MERIDAD; no. NFRP-2016-2017)Research output › peer-review
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Determination of neutron emission from spent fuel for safeguards verification
Cometto, M., 16 Mar 2015, Roma, Italy: Sapienza Università di roma. 97 p.Research output
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Influences de l'oxydation et de la biodégradation anaerobie sur la matière organique de l'argile oligocene de Boom (Mol, Belgique): conséquences sur la formation d'especes organiques hydrosolubles
Blanchart, P. & De Craen, M. (Peer reviewer), Dec 2011, Nancy, France: LL - Université de Lorraine. 349 p.Research output
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