A benchmark for Monte Carlo simulations in gamma-ray spectrometry Part II: True coincidence summing correction factors

Marie-Christine Lépy, C. Thiam, M. Anagnostakis, C. Cosar, Alfredo de Blas del Hoyo, Hasan Dikmen, Maria A. Duch, R. Galea, M. L. Ganea, Santiago Hurtado, K. Karfopoulos, Aurelian Luca, Guillaume Lutter, I. Mitsios, H. Persson, C. Potiriadis, S. Röttger, N. Salpadimos, Mailia I. Savva, Octavian SimaT.T. Thanh, R. W. Townson, Arturo Vargas, Theodora Vasilopoulou, Leen Verheyen, Tim Vidmar

    Research outputpeer-review


    The goal of this study is to provide a benchmark for the use of Monte Carlo simulation when applied to coincidence summing corrections. The examples are based on simple geometries: two types of germanium detectors and four kinds of sources, to mimic eight typical measurement conditions. The coincidence corrective factors are computed for four radionuclides. The exercise input files and calculation results with practical recommendations are made available for new users on a dedicated webpage.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number111109
    Number of pages11
    JournalApplied Radiation and Isotopes
    StatePublished - Feb 2024

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Radiation

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