A method for assessing exposure of terrestrial wildlife to environmental radon (222Rn) and thoron (220Rn)

Jordi Vives i Batlle, Alexander Ulanovsky, David Copplestone

    Research outputpeer-review


    A method is presented to calculate radiation dose rates arising from radon, thoron and their progeny to nonhuman biota in the terrestrial environment. The method improves on existing methodologies for the assessment of radon to biota by using a generalised allometric approach to model respiration, calculating dose coefficients for the ICRP reference animals and plants, and extending the approach to cover thoron in addition to radon-derived isotopes. The method is applicable to a range of environmental situations involving these radionuclides in wildlife, with an envisaged application being to study the impact of human activities, which bring NORM radionuclides to the biosphere. Consequently, there is a need to determine whether there is an impact on non-human biota from exposure to anthropogenically enhanced radionuclides.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)569-577
    Number of pages8
    JournalScience of the Total Environment
    StatePublished - 19 Jun 2017

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