A new radionuclide sorption database for benchmark cement accounting for geochemical evolution of cement

Lian Wang, M. Ochs, Dirk Mallants, L. Vielle-Petit, Evelien Martens, Diederik Jacques, Pierre De Cannière, J.A. Berry, Bertrand Leterme

Research outputpeer-review


This paper presents the data selection strategy and the selected sorption values on cement for twenty-five elements (Ag, Am, Be, C, Ca, Cl, Cs, H, I, Mo, Nb, Ni, Np, Pa, Pb, Pd, Pu, Ra, Sr, Se, Sn, Tc, Th, U, Zr) that need to be considered in safety assessment calculations for the future near-surface disposal facility at Dessel, Belgium. [Wang Lian] Based on literature data, best estimate values, upper and lower bound values were determined for a socalled benchmark cement – the unperturbed cement without effects of organics, high chloride content or other chemical components that might adversely impact radionuclide sorption. Effects of perturbing components are discussed separately. The geochemical evolution of the cementitious engineered barriers was addressed to clarify the conditions under which sorption values are applicable. A substantial part of the scientific basis supporting the data selection was established at meetings of an International Panel of Experts who reviewed and endorsed the data selection. To this end, the sorption data were checked for: reliability, appropriateness[Wang Lian] , data quality, time frames (i.e. states of cement degradation), heterogeneity ([Wang Lian] influence of [Wang Lian] non-cement) and completeness (in terms of mechanisms [Wang Lian] involved).
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings 1st International Symposium on Cement-based Materials for Nuclear Wastes. NUWCEM 2011
Place of PublicationMarcoule, France
StatePublished - Oct 2011
Event1st International Symposium on Cement-based Materials for Nuclear Wastes - CEA énergie atomique – énergie alternative and SFEN, Avignon
Duration: 11 Oct 201113 Oct 2011


Conference1st International Symposium on Cement-based Materials for Nuclear Wastes

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