A Room Temperature Stabilization and Waste Volume Reduction Method Tested on Belgian Intermediate-Level Homogeneous Bituminized Waste (Eurobitum)

Nathalie Impens, Lesley Adriaensen, Jan Deckers, Geert Volckaert

    Research outputpeer-review


    We developed a room temperature method to recondition intermediate-level homogeneous bituminized waste, called Eurobitum. Using this method, Eurobitum could be separated in an aqueous and an organic effluent, and a solid asphaltene-salt mix. In this paper, we present the results of the room temperature reconditioning method using real radioactive Eurobitum samples. The dissolution and separation processes were optimized. The residual waste could then be pressed towards a material, that might be suitable for geological disposal. The concentration of radionuclides in the two secondary waste effluents was thereafter determined. The aqueous effluent contained radionuclide concentrations below the treatment levels for common radioactive waste water treatment processes, whereas the alpha radioactivity of the organic phase was low enough to consider the possibility to inject it into the CILVA radwaste incinerator where it would undergo a thermal treatment process together with other solid radwaste. Our proposed process could reduce the Eurobitum volume considerably. The most flammable and the least radiation resistant molecules and the nitrates were removed from the original Eurobitum waste. Finally, the residual waste is expected to be more stable in geological disposal conditions.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the ASME 2011 14th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management ICEM2011 (on CD)
    Place of PublicationReims, France
    Number of pages11
    StatePublished - Dec 2011
    Event2011 - ICEM : 14th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management - ASME, Reims
    Duration: 25 Sep 201129 Sep 2011


    Conference2011 - ICEM
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