Achievable Transmutation Rates for TRUs and LLFPs in Myrrha

Hamid Aït Abderrahim, Edouard Malambu Mbala, David De Maeyer, Jean-Luc Bellefontaine, Charles De Raedt

    Research outputpeer-review

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    SCK wants to fulfil a prominent role in the ADS field and is currently establishing an R&D programme to finalise the design of an ADS prototype. Therefore, the ADONIS system, initially intended for dedicated radio-isotope production, was revisited to give birth to the MYRRHA system. The need for ADS related R&D as well as the extension of current competencies withiN SCK and related institutes led to the study of a prototype ADS which would focus primarily on ADS related research, i.e. on materials and fuel research, on the utilisation of liquid metals and associated aspects, on reactor physics, and subsequently on applications such as transmutation and safety research on sub-critical systems. In this aspect, the MYRRHA system should become a new major research infrastructure for SCK supporting and enabling the international R&D programmes. Currently, the study and conceptual design of MYYRHA is being finalised and the basic engineering phase has started. This study will also define the final choice of characteristics of the facility depending on the selected fields of application to be achieved in this machine. In this paper, we will report on the performance one can achieve in the present design of the MYRRHA.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationFifth OECD/NEA Information Exchange Meeting on Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation
    PublisherOECD NEA - Nuclear Energy Agency
    Number of pages8
    StatePublished - 27 Nov 1998
    Event1998 - 5th OECD/NEA Information Exchange Meeting on Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation - SCK.CEN, Mol
    Duration: 25 Nov 199827 Nov 1998


    Conference1998 - 5th OECD/NEA Information Exchange Meeting on Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation
    Internet address

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