Achievements and lessons learnt within the Domain 1 "DESIGN" of the Integrated Project EUROTRANS

Didier De Bruyn, Hamid Aït Abderrahim, Gérald Rimpault, Luigi Mansani, Marco Reale, Alex C. Mueller, Arnaud Guertin, Jean-Luc Biarrotte, Janne Wallenius, Carmen Angulo, Alfredo Orden, Alan Rolfe, Dankward Struwe, Michaël Schikorr, Antony Woaye-Hune, Carlo Artioli, Peter Baeten

    Research outputpeer-review


    The present communication focuses on the global achievements in the different sectors of the "DM1 DESIGN" domain of the Integrated EUROTRANS project and on the remaining topics to be further developed. A special attention is given to the lessons learned from this large integrated project; as a total of 23 partners (from research centres but also industrial partners), coming from 10 different countries, were participating in our domain "DM1 DESIGN".
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationTechnology & Components of Accelerator-driven Systems
    Place of PublicationParis, France
    StatePublished - Jul 2011
    EventOECD Nuclear Energy Agency International Workshop on Technology & Components of Accelerator Driven Systems (TCADS) - Karlsruhe
    Duration: 15 Mar 201017 Mar 2010


    ConferenceOECD Nuclear Energy Agency International Workshop on Technology & Components of Accelerator Driven Systems (TCADS)

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