Active personal dosemeters in interventional radiology: tests in laboratory conditions and in hospitals

Isabelle Clairand, Jean-Marc Bordy, Josiane Daures, Jacques Debroas, Marc Denozière, Laurent Donadille, Merce Ginjaume, Christian Itié, Christina Koukorava, Sabah Krim, Anne Laure Lebacq, Pascal Martin, Lara Struelens, Marta Sans-Mercé, Miriana Tosic, Filip Vanhavere, Emiliano D'Agostino

    Research outputpeer-review


    The work package 3 of the ORAMED project, Collaborative Project (2008–11) supported by the European Commission within its seventh Framework Programme, is focused on the optimisation of the use of active personal dosemeters (APDs) in interventional radiology and cardiology (IR/IC). Indeed, a lack of appropriate APD devices is identified for these specific fields. Few devices can detect low-energy X rays (20–100 keV), and none of them are specifically designed for working in pulsed radiation fields. The work presented in this paper consists in studying the behaviour of some selected APDs deemed suitable for application in IR/IC. For this purpose, measurements under laboratory conditions, both with continuous and pulsed X-ray beams, and tests in real conditions on site in different European hospitals were performed. This study highlights the limitations of APDs for this application and the need of improving the APD technology so as to fulfil all needs in the IR/IC field.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)453-458
    JournalRadiation protection dosimetry
    Issue number1-4
    StatePublished - Feb 2011
    EventEuropean Conference on Individual Monitoring of Ionising Radiation - Greek Atomic Energy Commision, Athens
    Duration: 8 Mar 201012 Mar 2010

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