ALLIANCE perspectives on integration of humans and the environment into the system of radiological protection

Hildegarde Vandenhove, C. Bradshaw, N.A. Beresord, Jordi Vives i Batlle, Almudena Real, Jacqueline Garnier-Laplace

    Research outputpeer-review


    Risks posed by the presence of radionuclides in the environment require an efficient, balanced and adaptable assessment for protecting exposed humans and wildlife and managing the radiological risk associated. Approaches have been developed to assess or predict the transfer of radionuclides in the environment and their distribution/accumulation in relevant environmental compartments. Environmental concentrations of radionuclides serve as inputs to estimate the dose to man, fauna and flora. Dose estimates are then compared with the radiological protection criteria, such as those developed by the ICRP, for man and wildlife. This demonstrates the similarity in the approaches for impact assessment in humans and wildlife, suggesting the protection systems could easily be integrated; some elements are different, e.g. individuals are the focus of human assessments whereas for wildlife are populations. If human and environmental assessments are not consistent and complementary in terms of how they are conducted and the underlying databases (where appropriate), this may cause difficulties for operators and regulators and be difficult to communicate to wider stakeholders. Both in terms of the underlying philosophy and the application via appropriate tools, the ALLIANCE is convinced that integration in several ways and from several perspectives (e.g. chemical/radiological risks) is required for optimisation of impact assessment and decision support.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationICRP 2017 Proceedings
    PublisherSAGE Publications
    StatePublished - 27 Apr 2018
    Event2017 - ICRP : 4th International Symposium on the System of radiological Protection and ERPW 2017 - 2nd European Radiation Protection Research Week - France - Hotel Newport Bay Disneyland Business Park Resort, Paris
    Duration: 10 Oct 201712 Oct 2017


    Conference2017 - ICRP
    Abbreviated titleERPW
    Internet address

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