ALPHAMET: a European project on metrology for emerging targeted Alpha Therapies

Ana M. Denis-Bacelar, Christophe Bobin, Michel Koole, Stig Palm, Johannes Tran-Gia, W. B. Li, Clarita Saldarriaga Vargas, Lara Struelens

    Research outputpeer-review


    Targeted alpha therapy (TAT) is a rapidly growing cancer treatment modality showing promising treatment efficacies and increased survival in early phase clinical trials. Presently, only 223RaCl2 has regulatory approval, but its success resulted in unprecedented levels of interest and investment in TAT for a variety of cancers. The advantages of the short-range high-energy alpha particles bring
    several unm et and unique measurement challenges, which remain a barrier to enable TAT's safe and optimised implementation. These include the lack of validated primary (secondary) activity standards, the time-dependent in-growth of the decay progeny, the separation of the decay products, and the low administered activity levels and the microscopic uptake distribution that result in poor quantification of the activities and absorbed doses in-vivo. The best approach to deliver TAT is still under debate and good practice guides are not available, with treatments currently being administered with regimens more
    akin to chemotherapy. This contrasts with external beam radiotherapy, where treatments are traceable and accuracy in dose delivery to patients is within 5%. Presently, the accuracy, reproducibility, and uncertainties in the delivery of TAT remain unknown, highlighting the need to address the lack of traceability and standardisation/harmonisation, as emphasised by ICRU96.
    AlphaMet is a new European project that brings together experts from
    metrology institutes, hospitals, academia, and industry to support endto-end traceability before wide routine adoption of TAT. An overview of the consortium, research aims and information on howend-users and stakeholders can get involved will be presented, including details of upcoming intercomparison exercises.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationPhysica Medica
    Subtitle of host publicationSupplement 1
    PublisherElsevier Ltd
    Number of pages2
    StatePublished - Sep 2024

    Publication series

    NamePhysica Medica
    PublisherElsevier Ltd.
    ISSN (Print)1120-1797
    ISSN (Electronic)1724-191X

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