An experimental study of the time dependent behaviour of Boom clay under thermo-mechanical loading

Yu-Jun Cui, Trung-Tinh Le, Anh-Minh Tang, Pierre Delage, Xiang Ling Li, Guangjing Chen

    Research outputpeer-review


    Among the various laboratory studies performed on samples extracted from the HADES facility to investigate the Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical (THM) behaviour of Boom clay, relatively few were devoted to the time dependent behaviour, limiting any relevant analysis of the long-term behaviour of the disposal facility. The present work aims at investigating the time-dependent behaviour of Boom clay under both thermal and mechanical loading. High-pressure triaxial tests at controlled temperatures were carried out for this purpose. The tests started with constant-rate thermal and/or mechanical consolidation and ended with isobar heating and/or isothermal compression at a constant stress rate or by step loading.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationImpact of thermo-hydro-mechanical chemical (THMC) processes on the safety of underground radioactive waste repositories. Proceedings of the European Commission TIMODAZ-THERESA International Conference, Luxembourg, 29 September – 1 October 2009
    Place of PublicationBrussels, Belgium
    StatePublished - Dec 2012
    EventInternational conference and workshop "Impact of Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) processes on the safety of underground radioactive waste repositories" - European Commission, Luxembourg
    Duration: 29 Sep 20091 Oct 2009

    Publication series

    NameEUR Report
    NumberEUR 25527 EN


    ConferenceInternational conference and workshop "Impact of Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) processes on the safety of underground radioactive waste repositories"

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