An innovative training course on sampling plans using virtual reality

Riccardo Rossa, Thomas Krieger, Marzia Baldassari

    Research outputpeer-review


    In the context of safeguards verifications, the objective of sampling plans is to detect the diversion of one significant quantity from a stratum with a required detection probability. To formally derive an expression for the detection probability basic assumptions (for example equal diversion and constant mass) are needed. In addition, concepts of a measurement model, the selection probability and the identification probability must be thoroughly understood. Current in-person training courses on this topic are based on traditional teaching methods such as classroom lectures and theoretical exercises. However, the visualization of the verification activities and how they contribute to the detection probability is somehow limited. The evolution of learning in online environments, accelerated by the global pandemic, highlighted the need to be able to create virtual hands-on, practical exercises to complement the online learning. Therefore, as part of both Belgian and German Member State Support Programmes to the IAEA, an innovative training course is being developed to illustrate the various components playing a role in the determination of sampling plans. The innovative aspect of the training course is the introduction of virtual reality (VR) to visualize the verification activities. Also, using the VR tool the user can experience the influence of measurement models, the selection probability and the identification probability on sampling plans. The target audience for this innovative training course are safeguards inspectors in international organizations (e.g., IAEA and Euratom), national authorities, and other interested users. The contribution will present the overall idea and the current status, as well as outline the next steps for the implementation of the training course
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationInternational nuclear safeguards 2022
    PublisherIAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency
    Number of pages9
    StatePublished - 2 Nov 2022
    Event2022 - Symposium on International Safeguards 2022: Reflecting on the Past and Anticipating the Future - IAEA, Vienna
    Duration: 31 Oct 20224 Nov 2022


    Other2022 - Symposium on International Safeguards 2022
    Abbreviated titleIAEASG2022
    Internet address

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