Analysis of 238Pu and 56Fe Evaluated Data for Use in MYRRHA

Carlos Diez, Oscar Cabellos, Jesús Martínez, Alexey Stankovskiy, Gert Van den Eynde, Peter Schillebeeckx, Jan Heyse, Antonin Krása

Research outputpeer-review


A sensitivity analysis on the multiplication factor, keff , to the cross section data has been carried out for the MYRRHA critical configuration in order to show the most relevant reactions. With these results, a further analysis on the 238Pu and 56Fe cross sections has been performed, comparing the evaluations provided in the JEFF-3.1.2 and ENDF/B-VII.1 libraries for these nuclides. Then, the effect in MYRRHA of the differences between evaluations are analysed, presenting the source of the differences. With these results, recommendations for the 56Fe and 238Pu evaluations are suggested. These calculations have been performed with SCALE6.1 and MCNPX-2.7e.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)516-518
JournalNuclear Data Sheets
StatePublished - 30 Apr 2014
EventNuclear Data for Science and Technology - DOE, NEA, BNL, LANL, New York
Duration: 4 Mar 20138 Mar 2013

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