Analysis of pwr pressure vessel surveillance dosimetry with mcbend

Roger M. De Wouters, Dominique J. Laurent, Pierre J. D'Hondt

    Research outputpeer-review


    Fast fluences received by four surveillance capsules in two 900-MWe PWR have been calculated with the Monte Carlo transport program MCBEND and compared with values estimated from activation measurements. First comparisons between calculation (C) and experiment (E) gave C/E values equal to 0.98/0.97/0.98/0.90. The original experimental values were based on saturation activation rates obtained from the measured activities and from the reactor power history, assigning at each operation cycle a contribution proportionnal to its timeintegrated power production. A revision was then carried out in order to inlcude the effects of the fuel loadings (low leakage or out-in) in the contribution of each cycle. The revised experimental values led to C/E equal to 0.98/1.00/1.00/0.99, thus considerably reducing the scatter, and confirming the suitability of MCBEND to provide an essentially unbiassed approximation of the fast flux at the level of the surveillance capsules.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationReactor Dosimetry
    EditorsHarry Farrar, E. Parvin Lippincott, John G. Williams, David W. Vehar
    PublisherAmerican Society for Testing and Materials
    Number of pages9
    ISBN (Electronic)9780803118997
    StatePublished - 1994
    Event1993 - 8th ASTM-EURATOM symposium on reactor dosimetry - Vail
    Duration: 29 Aug 19933 Sep 1993

    Publication series

    NameASTM Special Technical Publication
    VolumeSTP 1228
    ISSN (Print)0066-0558


    Conference1993 - 8th ASTM-EURATOM symposium on reactor dosimetry
    Country/TerritoryUnited States

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • General Materials Science

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