Analysis of Table Top experiments by means of Thermal Hydraulic System Code

Loukas Dikonimos Makris, Davide Rozzia

    Research output


    The Primary Heat eXchanger (PHX) development is a crucial aspect in the MYRRHA (Multipurpose HYbrid Research Reactor for High-tech Applications) reactor's design.
    SCK CEN researchers performed an experimental investigation, using a scaled facility known as Table Top, targeting what concerns its thermal behavior to obtain first-order estimates of the key parameters (e.g. the thermal resistance of the double tube) and define procedures that will be used later in the large-scale facilities.
    Table Top is an open-loop water/steam facility with a 2.5 kW maximum power that operates under natural convection flow. It can be operated within a pressure range of 8 to 16 bara.
    This work aims to review and update the TH system code nodalization representing the Table Top facility providing the conceptual basis to obtain a qualified nodalization which is specific for non nuclear facilities. This process is described in a general way and it ispotentially applicable to other SCK CEN facilities that requires a TH system code nodalization. To this purpose simulations are performed with a System Thermal Hydraulic code (RELAP5 3.3) to assess the robustness of the qualification procedure.
    The document is structured into nine primary chapters and two attached appendixes.
    The first three chapters are introductory sections. Chapter one outlines the objectives, scope, and significance of the study. Section two delves into the necessary literature review. Section three describes the Table Top installation.
    Section four describes the qualification procedure in a general way.
    Sections from five to eight constitute the core of this work by providing:
    - A description of the un-qualified TH system code nodalization of Table Top (section five)
    - Application of the general procedure to Table Top case up to step 14 (section six)
    - A description of the qualified TH system code nodalization of Table Top (section seven)
    - Application of the general procedure from step 15 to 17 (section eight)
    The final chapter summarizes the findings and discusses the implications of the study.
    The two attached appendixes deal with Hydraulic handbook (appendix A) and thermal handbook (appendix B) of the qualified nodalization.
    Original languageEnglish
    QualificationMaster of Science
    Awarding Institution
    • POLIMI - Politecnico di Milano
    • Rozzia, Davide, SCK CEN Mentor
    • Ricotti, Marco Enrico, Supervisor
    Date of Award15 Nov 2023
    StatePublished - 15 Nov 2023

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