Analysis of the venus out-of-core activation measurements using mcbend

Patrick D. Blaise, Roger M. De Wouters, Hamid Ait Abderrahim

    Research outputpeer-review


    The VENUS-I critical assembly simulates a U02-1oaded core and the internal structures from the core baffle to the neutron pad, in a generic 3-1oop plant. VENUS-2 contained mixed oxide PuO2 - UO2 fuel pins in the eight outer rows. Several out-of-core threshold activation rates (In-ll5, Np-237, Zn-64, AI-27, Ni-58, U-238, Rh-103) have been measured at numerous locations in water zones and steel structures. From these measurements, "equivalent fission fluxes" have been established by dividing the activation rates by cross-sections weighted by the U-235 fission spectrum. Calculations of equivalent fission fluxes have been carried out with the Monte Carlo transport programme MCBEND. The average ratio calculation/experiment (C/E) in the core barrel, with 80 dosimeters and 7 types of reactions, is 1.02 ± 0.03 (σ). Further away from the core, the average C/E in the neutron pad from 13 measurements is 1.01 ± 0.08 (σ).

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationReactor Dosimetry
    EditorsHarry Farrar, E. Parvin Lippincott, John G. Williams, David W. Vehar
    PublisherAmerican Society for Testing and Materials
    Number of pages10
    ISBN (Electronic)9780803118997
    StatePublished - 1994
    Event1993 - 8th ASTM-EURATOM symposium on reactor dosimetry - Vail
    Duration: 29 Aug 19933 Sep 1993

    Publication series

    NameASTM Special Technical Publication
    VolumeSTP 1228
    ISSN (Print)0066-0558


    Conference1993 - 8th ASTM-EURATOM symposium on reactor dosimetry
    Country/TerritoryUnited States

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • General Materials Science

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