Application of IDEAS guidelines: the IDEAS/IAEA intercomparison exercise on internal dose assessment

Christian Hurtgen, A. Andrasi, M.R. Bailey, A. Birchall, E. Blanchardon, V. Berkovski, C.M. Castellani, R. Cruz-Suarez, K. Davis, H. Doerfel, B. LeGuen, I. Malatova, J. Marsh, J. Zeger, Freddy Verrezen

    Research outputpeer-review


    As part of the EU Fifth Framework Programme IDEAS project ‘General Guidelines for the Evaluation of Incorporation Monitoring Data’, and in collaboration with the International Atomic Energy Agency, a new intercomparison exercise for the assessment of doses from intakes of radionuclides was organised. Several cases were selected, to cover a wide range of practices in the nuclear fuel cycle and medical applications. The cases were: (1) acute intake of HTO, (2) acute inhalation of the fission products 137Cs and 90Sr, (3) acute inhalation of 60Co, (4) repeated intakes of 131I, (5) intake of enriched uranium and (6) single intake of Pu isotopes and 241Am. This intercomparison exercise especially focused on the effect of the Guidelines proposed by the IDEAS project for harmonisation of internal dosimetry.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)317-320
    JournalRadiation protection dosimetry
    Issue number1-4
    StatePublished - 1 May 2007

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