Application of Intelligent Decision System to nuclear waste depository option analysis

DL Xu, Jian-Bo Yang, B Carlé, F Hardeman, D Ruan

    Research outputpeer-review


    This paper describes how the Evidential Reasoning approach for multi-criteria decision analysis, with the support of its software implementation, Intelligent Decision System (IDS), can be used to analyse whether low level radioactive waste should be stored at the surface or buried deep underground in the territory of the community of Mol in Belgium. Following an outline of the problem and the assessment criteria, the process of using IDS for data collection, information aggregation and outcome presentation is described in detail. The outcomes of the analysis are examined using the various sensitivity analysis functions of IDS. It is demonstrated that the analysis using IDS can generate informative outcomes to support the decision process.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationApplied Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings of the 7th International FLINS Conference
    EditorsD Ruan, P DHondt, PF Fantoni, M DeCock, M Nachtegael, EE Kerre
    Place of PublicationGenova, Italy
    Number of pages8
    StatePublished - 2006
    Event2006 - 7th international FLINS conference on Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent technologies in Nuclear Science - Genova
    Duration: 29 Aug 200631 Aug 2006
    Conference number: FLINS2006


    Conference2006 - 7th international FLINS conference on Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent technologies in Nuclear Science

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