Average cross section of the 32S(n, p)32P and 27AI(n, α)24Na reactions for fission neutrons

H. Depuydt, M. Neve de Mevergnies

    Research outputpeer-review


    The main purpose of this work was to improve the experimental value θ of the 32S(n, p)32P reaction cross section for a fission neutron spectrum. The sample in a cadmium box was centred on the axis of an enriched uranium disk irradiated by a thermal neutron beam. The absolute value of the thermal flux was determined by activation of a gold detector. The absolute value of the fast flux at the sample was calculated taking into account the detector-uranium geometry. The average cross section θ was deduced from an absolute measurement of the sample activity. The results are: for 32S(n, p)32P: θ = 65 ± 3 mb, for 27Al(n, α)24Na: d = 0·63 ± 0·03 mb.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)447-453
    Number of pages7
    JournalJournal of Nuclear Energy. Parts A/B. Reactor Science and Technology
    Issue number9
    StatePublished - Sep 1962

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