Bachelorproef: Studie van DNA

Wouter Schroeders, Geert Biermans

    Research output

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    This bachelor thesis studies the different types of analyses that can be performed to assess DNA damage in Arabidopsis thaliana after exposure to ionizing radiation. An overview of the different types of DNA damage is given, and the different types of extraction protocols and DNA damage assays are discussed and compared. A short lab test of the selected extraction protocol was performed on irradiated and control samples of root and shoot tissues. Extraction efficiency and yield was then compared between tissue types and sample type.
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • PXL - Hogeschool PXL
    • Biermans, Geert, Supervisor
    • Hulshagen, Leen, Supervisor, External person
    Place of PublicationDiepenbeek, Belgium
    StatePublished - Apr 2011

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