Benchmark on Computer Simulation of MASURCA Critical and Subcritical Experiments

Nadia Messaoudi, Villamarin david, Gonzalez Enrique

    Research outputpeer-review


    In terms of radioactive waste transmutation, ADS are considered to be efficient minor actinide burners. However, much R&D work is still required in order to demonstrate the desired capability of the systems as a whole, and the current methods of analysis and nuclear data for minor actinide burners are not as well established as those for conventionally fuelled reactor systems. Recognising a need for code and data validation in this area, The Nuclear Science Committee of the OCDE Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) sa organised various theoretical benchmarks on ADS burners. Many improvements and clarifications in nuclear data and calculation methods have been achieved. However, following an initial series of benchmarks, some significant discrepancies in important parameters were not fully understood and still required clarification. Therefore, this international benchmark based on MASURCA experiments, which were carried out under the auspices of the EC 5th Framework Programme, was launched in December 2001 in co-operation with CEA (france) and CIEMAT (Spain). A total of 16 different institutions participated in tis first experiment-based benchmark providing 34 solutions. This report presents the comparative analysis of the results provided against experimental data.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationParis, France
    PublisherOECD NEA - Nuclear Energy Agency
    Number of pages45
    ISBN (Print)9789264010864
    StatePublished - Jan 2006

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