Best available technologies versus current practices in mercury contaminated land management: the results of the IMaHg European Hg survey

C. Merly, V. Guérin,, Y. Ohlsson, D. P.-E. Back, Berggren Kleja, Diederik Jacques, Bertrand Leterme, R. Sweeney

    Research outputpeer-review


    The 3rd call SNOWMAN funded IMaHg -“Enhance knowledge in mercury fate and transport for Improved Management of Hg soil contamination” – project aimed at providing recommendations to improve management of sites contaminated by mercury. One specific objective of the IMaHg project consisted in comparing available and currently used European approaches and practices in characterisation, risk assessment and remediation of mercury contaminated land through an EU wide consultation. The results of the consultation provided a unique overview of how mercury contamination is currently managed in Europe. They will be further compared with state of the art technologies and practices which will enable to draw out recommendations to improve the practices for Hg contaminated land management and to highlight research needs.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the 12th International UFZ-Deltares Conference on Groundwater-Soil-Systems and Water Resource Management - AQUACONSOIL 2013 (available online:
    Place of PublicationGermany
    StatePublished - Apr 2013
    EventAQUACONSOIL 2013 - Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Barcelona
    Duration: 16 Apr 201319 Apr 2013


    ConferenceAQUACONSOIL 2013

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