Blueprint of the European Radioecology ALLIANCE functioning: Deliverable (D-N°2-7)

M. Muikku, Liisa Sirkka, C Barnett, Nicholas A. Beresford, Jacqueline Garnier-Laplace, Boguslaw Michalik, Almudena Real, L Skipperud, H. Tsukada, Hildegarde Vandenhove, Nathalie Vanhoudt, M. Vidal, C. Willrodt

    Research outputpeer-review

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    Blueprint of the European Radioecology ALLIANCE functioning describes the outline for functioning and interaction mechanisms of the European Radioecology ALLIANCE suggested by the COMET project and further developed in close consultation with the ALLIANCE. Interaction mechanisms include not only internal interaction with ALLIANCE partners, but also interaction with other research organisations and universities working in the field of radioecology and in other disciplines, as well as with national competent authorities, stakeholders, international interest organisations as well as with European platforms, mainly related with radiation protection research. The SRA/Roadmap working group with the different topical roadmap working groups, the Observatory Sites considered as important infrastructure for in situ long-term research, our education and training programme and workshop series and our website with repository are considered as important mechanisms for science progression, sustainability and continued visibility.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherEC - European Commission
    StatePublished - 31 May 2017

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