Building a Robust Numerical Model for Mass Transport Through Complex Porous Media

Janez Perko, Dirk Mallants, Elise Vermariën, Wim Cool

    Research outputpeer-review


    When modelling complex physical problems model simplifications present an important step in a modelling procedure. One of the most common simplifications is dimensionality reduction. With dimensionality reduction the model becomes better manageable and consequently more robust. Mass transport modelling through porous media is typically characterized by complex physics and geometry. In the particular case of radionuclide transport modelling for radioactive waste repositories, an additional level of complexity, and thus uncertainty, originates from the long time frames involved. Performing a safety analysis of a radioactive waste disposal system requires therefore reasonable simplifications which enable us to model such complex system thereby minimizing the effect of uncertainties. In this work several examples, calculated by COMSOL Multiphysics 3.2, are selected to show the acceptable level of simplification to assure representative and yet robust modelling of radionuclide transport from a disposal facility.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of COMSOL conference, Hannover 2008
    Place of PublicationStockholm, Sweden
    StatePublished - 6 Nov 2008
    EventCOMSOL conference Hannover 2008 - COMSOL Multiphysics, Hannover
    Duration: 4 Nov 20086 Nov 2008


    ConferenceCOMSOL conference Hannover 2008

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