Caesium and iodine release from spent mixed oxide fuels under repository relevant conditions - Initial leaching results

Cristian Schreinemachers, Gregory Leinders, Thierry Mennecart, Christelle Cachoir, Karel Lemmens, Marc Verwerft, Felix Brandt, Guido Deissmann, Giuseppe Modolo, Dirk Bosbach

Research outputpeer-review


Autoclave leaching experiments are conducted on three well-characterised, irradiated, and cladded mixed oxide fuel-rod segments with burnups ranging from 29 GWd/tHM to 52 GWd/tHM to investigate the instant release fraction of fission gases and long-lived fission products and to assess the long-term fuel matrix corrosion. The segments are exposed to bicarbonate solutions as reference groundwater at neutral pH and a synthetic young cementitious water at pH 13.5 under reducing atmosphere (4 vol% H2 in Ar at 40 bar pressure), since 2018. The initial leaching results for the fission products caesium and iodine as representative elements of the instant release fraction were found to depend on the leachate composition as well as on the fuel burnup.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-5
Number of pages5
JournalMRS Advances
StatePublished - 9 Feb 2022

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