Characterisation of SCK-CEN fuel samples used for leach tests in FIRST-Nuclides

Research outputpeer-review


In the framework of the FIRST-Nuclides program, SCK•CEN will conduct leaching experiments on a PWR UOX fuel, taken from the Belgian Tihange 1 reactor, with a rod average burnup of 50 MWd/kgHM in order to determine the rapid release of some of the most critical radionuclides. Considering the influence of the irradiation parameters on the actual location of fission products at the beginning of the leaching test, the interpretation of the experimental results highly relies on a good characterization of the fuel samples. This article will deal with the characterization of the fuel rod and samples that will be used for the leach tests performed at SCK•CEN.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication1st Annual Workshop Proceedings - 7th EC - FP First-Nuclides
Place of PublicationBudapest, Hungary
StatePublished - 10 Oct 2012
Event1st Annual Workshop - 7th EC - FP First-Nuclides - 1st Annual Workshop Proceedings - 7th EC - FP First-Nuclides, Budapest
Duration: 9 Oct 201211 Oct 2012


Conference1st Annual Workshop - 7th EC - FP First-Nuclides

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