Characterization of a new digital acquisition system for microdosimetry usign at tissue equivalent proportional counter (TEPC): Master thesis of CHIAVACCI, GERARDO

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    Microdosimetry studies the probability distribution of the imparted energy when an ionizing particle crosses site size in order of the μm. The Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter (TEPC) is a microdosimetric instrument that measures radiation dose and dose equivalent in complex radiation fields (fields containing a mixture of particle types). The signal processing chain convert the signal from the TEPC in a pulse signal and measure the pulse height distributions which correspond to an energy deposition distribution in the simulated microscopic volume of the detector. The aims of this work are: • To perform a systematic investigation with a new digital acquisition system: by testing the resolution, input counting rate, dynamic range, stability and reproducibility. • To optimize the electronic chain. • To perform microdosimetric measurements with a TEPC with gamma and neutron sources. Lineal energy distributions for neutrons and gamma rays were measured using a TEPC with three different preamplifiers and with both acquisition systems, Inspector from Canberra and the DT5780 from CAEN. A series of measurements were performed with the counter filled with propane-based tissue equivalent gas at operating gas pressure corresponding to a site size of 2.0 μm in diameter.
    Original languageEnglish
    QualificationMaster of Science
    Awarding Institution
    • UniPi - Università di Pisa
    • Chiriotti Alvarez, Sabina, SCK CEN Mentor
    • Ciolini, Riccardo, Supervisor, External person
    Date of Award26 Apr 2017
    StatePublished - 26 Apr 2017

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