Characterization of pathways and groundwater vulnerability assessments due to deep energy related activities for the pilot studies: VOGERA Deliverable D3.2

Willem Zaadnoordijk, Agnes Rotar-Szalkai, Cis Slenter, Koen Beerten, Marco Bianchi, Jesus Casillas, Bart Rogiers, Andreas Kruisselbrink, Tano Kivits, Hans Peter Broers

Research outputpeer-review

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This report is the second deliverable for Work Package 3 of the VoGERA project (Vulnerability of Shallow Groundwater Resources to Deep Sub-surface Energy Related Activities). This work package seeks to better understand processes and pathways that may be associated with impacts on groundwater resources from energy-related activities in the subsurface. The report introduces the topic and describes the pilot areas that have been used to evaluate possible pathways in detail for several geological settings across Europe. For each pilot area, the results of the data collection and analysis are presented, as well as the vulnerability assessment using the tool that has been developed in Work Package 4 (Conceptual framework for vulnerability characterization) of the VoGERA project.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherEC - European Commission
Number of pages152
StatePublished - 22 Oct 2021

Publication series

PublisherEC - European Commission

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