Chemo-mechanical numerical coupling development and up-scaling methods: EURAD MAGIC Deliverable 16.8

Vanessa Montoya, Mostafa Mollaali, Alain Sellier, Laurie Buffo-Lacarrière, Layla Ibrahim, Nicolas Seigneur, Stéphane Poyet, Benoit Bary, Victor Vilarrasa, Sebastian Ignacio Gonzalez Fuentes, Jianfu Shao, Keita Yoshioka, Olaf Kolditz, Sergey Churakov, Athanasios Mokos

Research outputpeer-review

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The objective of this report is to summarise the modelling work of the MAGIC WP and to establish a permanent reference chemo-mechanical model for the deterioration of both Portland and low pH concretes in relevant repository environments, taking into account representative boundary conditions. The report focuses on Task 4 and in particular on the development of chemomechanical numerical coupling and up-scaling methods. The collaboration between participants from different organisations and institutions has resulted in a comprehensive review of chemomechanical numerical coupling and upscaling of mechanical properties related to cement alteration.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherEuropean Commission
Number of pages53
StatePublished - 1 Apr 2024

Publication series

NameEURAD Reports
PublisherEC - European Commision

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