Climatic effects in transport modelling: Application to performance assessment of a radioactive waste repository

Laurence Hardy, Isabelle Wemaere, Ilse Van Keer, Jan Marivoet, Xavier Sillen

    Research outputpeer-review


    A regional hydrogeological model, developed in the context of the performance assessment of geological radioactive waste disposal, has been adapted to take the climatic changes into account. Transport of natural isotopes is simulated from-125 000 years to the present day by considering a sequence of typical climate periods, and concentration results are compared with measurements. The radionuclide transport from a repository system are then simulated similarly for the next 125 000 years based on the expected climatic evolution. The simulation helps to estimate the range of effects of the possible climate changes on radiological consequences.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationTracers and Modelling in Hydrogeology
    Subtitle of host publicationProceedings of TraM'2000, the International Conference on Tracers and Modelling in Hydrogeology
    EditorsAlain Dassargues
    PublisherIAHS - International Association of Hydrological Sciences
    Number of pages6
    ISBN (Print)978-1-901502-21-3
    StatePublished - 2000
    EventTraM'2000: The International Conference on 'Tracers and Modelling in Hydrology' - Liege, Belgium
    Duration: 23 May 200026 May 2000

    Publication series

    NameIAHS-AISH Publication
    ISSN (Print)0144-7815


    ConferenceTraM'2000: The International Conference on 'Tracers and Modelling in Hydrology'
    CityLiege, Belgium

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Oceanography
    • Water Science and Technology

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