COMET IRA on improved parameterisation of key processes for transfer and dynamic modelling approaches: Results and impact: COMET Deliverable 3.2

L. Skipperud, Jordi Vives i Batlle, Håvard Thørring, V. Kashparov, N.A. Beresord, Boguslaw Michalik, B. Salbu, A Sovik

    Research outputpeer-review


    This deliverable report D-N°3.2 gives a short summary from each of the COMET initial research activities (IRA’s) adopted during the COMET project period. The different IRA topics presented are: 1. Marine modelling, 2. Forest modelling, 3. Human food chain modelling, 4. NORM modelling, 5. Particle behaviour and 6. ICRP reference sites. Within each IRA, the focus has been on improving the parametrisation of key processes that control the transfer of radionuclides in the environment, as well as to include the dynamic aspect of radionuclide transfer in radioecological models. Even though there is more research to be done, the COMET IRA’s have brought the science forward and much has been done to meet the different objectives, both common and specific within each research area. Each COMET IRA has identified future challenges and priorities of importance for future research within the field of radioecology/environmental radioactivity. These priorities constitute a valuable input to future project cooperation and/or project calls within Radioecology.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherEC - European Commission
    Number of pages33
    StatePublished - 21 Mar 2017

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