Comparative study of four rsg welds with respect to the fracture toughness behavior in the transition and ductile regime

Inge Uytdenhouwen, Luca Venudo, Brian Hall

    Research outputpeer-review


    A low alloy manganese-nickel-molybdenum steel (20MND5 type) was welded using submerged arc process (single wire and tandem variants) with a matching welding consumable (type M2). The French nuclear regulation (ESPN) specifies some fundamental mechanical property requirements. One of them is that the Charpy absorbed energy at 0°C should exceed 60 J. The first objective of this study was to confirm whether the fracture toughness properties for welds were above the RCC-M code curves, even if potentially not fulfilling the ESPN absorbed energy requirement. Secondly, the variation between two welding process variants was investigated. The results of the fracture toughness tests in the transition region are presented. They are discussed with respect to coupon variability and homogeneity. The fracture toughness KJc values were compared with the RCC-M code lower bound reference curve. In addition, the correlation to estimate the fracture toughness from Charpy impact tests confirmed the obtained lower bound curves and showed the consistency of the datasets. The ductile fracture was investigated by upper-shelf fracture toughness crack resistance tests and the JIc results are presented as a function of various test temperatures. The J-.a curves were further compared to the RCC-M code reference curve.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationTransactions of the SMiRT 27 Yokohama, Japan, March 3-8, 2024
    Subtitle of host publicationDivision II: Fracture Mechanics and Structural Integrity
    PublisherIASMiRT - International Assn for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology
    Number of pages9
    StatePublished - 3 Mar 2024

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