Comparison and analysis of expert and student views on the use of energy scenarios in communication on fusion research

Gunter Bombaerts, Erik Laes, Gaston Meskens

    Research outputpeer-review


    This article compares expert framings on energy models in order to improve communication on energy scenarios. It gives a brief theoretical elaboration on the framing concept in science and the consequences for modelling. From these insights we look into the use of energy models in communication on fusion energy decision-making. We discuss results of interviews with international energy modelling experts. We conclude that the framings of the experts are very different. We see this variety as a strength that should be exploited more to benefit the communication on fusion research. As a first step to further research in the interaction between experts and the public, we have a focus group with students. The results of both groups are often similar. However, some expert framings are narrower compared to the students which might complicate the communication.We recommend more research on expert framing in modelling.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)2872-2878
    Journalfusion engineering and design
    StatePublished - Jul 2007

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