Compositional changes associated with periodic antiphase boundaries in the initial stages of ordering in Ni3Mo1. I. Crystallographic Analysis

G. van Tendeloo, J. van Landuyt, P. Delavignette, S. Amelinckx

    Research outputpeer-review


    The early stages of ordering in Ni3Mo have been studied by electron diffraction and microscopy. A long period superlattice of 13.9 Å is observed which can be attributed to a periodic array of non‐conservative antiphase boundaries in the Ni3Mo‐structure. This superlattice disappears by coarsening of the array after longer annealing times. From the shift of the superlattice reflections the displacement vector associated with the antiphase boundaries could unambigeously be determined as [102] using a method developed earlier for shear structures. This result is in agreement with the structural model and with the displacement vector as derived from image extinctions. Direct evidence is found for the shear transformation from the f.c.c. high temperature phase to the ordered Ni3Mo‐structure, which is a superstructure of the h.c.p. structure.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)697-707
    Number of pages11
    Journalphysica status solidi (a)
    Issue number2
    StatePublished - 16 Oct 1974

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
    • Condensed Matter Physics

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