ConCorD Synthesis Report: EURAD-CONCORD Deliverable 15.14

Kristel Mijnendonckx, Vanessa Montoya, Andrés Idiart, Arnau Pont, Olga Riba, Aurélien Debelle, Ursula Alonso, Mikel Diéguez, Miguel García-Gutiérrez, Manuel Mingarro, Tiziana Missana, Paula Nieto, Carla Soto, Pedro Valdivieso, Cedric Bosch, Rita De Cassia Costa Dias, Patrick Ganster, Rizlan Bernier-Latmani, Andrés G. Munoz, Andrea CherkoukClayton Bevas, James Hesketh, Cristiano Padovani, Ben Pateman, Andy Rance, Nick R. Smart, Leigh-Anne Stevenson, Shorubhi Uthayakumaran, Alex Kuprin, Sergey Sayenko, Nicolas Finck, Natalie Müller, Dieter Schild, Ashutosh R. Singh, Nikitas Diomidis, Roberto Gaggiano, Abdesselam Abdelous, Lola Sarrasin, Muhammad Faiz Al Rasyid Tisyadi, Michaela Matulová, Katerina Cerná, Jin Ma, Paul Wersin, Mohamed Merroun, Olaf Kolditz, Matthias Schmidt, Haibing Shao, Marc Tamisier, Carsten Vogt, David Dobrev, Daniel Götz, Vlastislav Kašpar, Kateřina Kolomá, Šárka Šachlová, Petr Večerník, Milan Zuna, Inaka Cornu, Fabrice Rossignol, Janne Pakarinen, Andressa Trentin

Research outputpeer-review

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The concept of a sealed container (or canister) for the disposal of high-level radioactive waste (HLW) and spent fuels (SF) is intended for use in applied in all deep geological repository programmes in nations that operate nuclear power plants. The container constitutes one of the main barriers in the overall multi-barrier disposal system which provides a complete confinement of radionuclides. Therefore, attention is frequently focused on the performance of the canister, especially concerning the length of time during which the material stability and thus the barrier function can be guaranteed. This was the subject of the research carried out in the multi-national EURAD project entitled ‘Container Corrosion under Disposal conditions (ConCorD)’. The work programme was divided into a set of separate tasks as described below. The aim of the current synthesis report was to draw together a summary of the work carried out in the various tasks of the project and to identify the key aspects and outcomes that may be applied in the preparation of future performance assessments and safety cases by the national waste management organisations.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherEC - European Commission
Number of pages196
StatePublished - 31 May 2024

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