Contents and Sample Arguments of a Safety Case for Near Surface Disposal of Radioactive Waste

A.J. Baker, D. Bennett, M. Beushausen, R. Cummings, P. Davis, A. de Hoyos, E. Esh, G. Gelles, K. Moeller, S. Needham, V. Nys, Janez Perko, R. Seitz, R. Stohr, J. Van Blerk

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This TECDOC presents a synthesis of these two projects: the components of a safety case defined by PRISM and the sample arguments or content of safety cases for two hypothetical facilities developed by PRISMA. This TECDOC is not a description of either the PRISM or PRISMA projects, but instead presents the results of these projects to assist Member States in developing safety cases for radioactive waste disposal facilities. The objective of this TECDOC is to give detailed guidance on content and sample arguments for safety cases for radioactive waste disposal to technical experts preparing a safety case, as well as information on the basis for decisions made in developing the content of a safety case for decision makers in the regulatory body and government. This TECDOC outlines the key uses and aspects of the safety case, its evolution in parallel with that of the disposal facility, the key decision steps in the development of the waste disposal facility, the components of the safety case, their place in the MASC matrix and a detailed description of the development of sample arguments of a safety case for two hypothetical radioactive waste disposal facilities, including the development process used and the modification of the MASC matrix to facilitate their development.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationVienna
PublisherIAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency
ISBN (Print)978–92–0–104517–1
StatePublished - 1 Jun 2017

Publication series


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