Contribution to the development of oxide dispersion strengthened steels for nuclear applications: a colloidal production route

Katelijne Verhiest, Anne De Bremaecker

    Research output


    To guarantee sufficient energy production for an energy demanding society of tomorrow, the energy sector has to make an evolution towards the next generation highly efficient (in terms of power output and reactor safety) and low-emission (environmental friendly) nuclear power plants (NPP's). .....
    Original languageEnglish
    QualificationDoctor of Science
    Awarding Institution
    • Universiteit Gent
    • Houbaert, Yvan, Supervisor, External person
    • Verbeken, Kim, Supervisor, External person
    Date of Award22 Sep 2022
    Print ISBNs9789463556170
    StatePublished - 22 Aug 2022

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