Coulomb excitation of 107In

Douglas D. Dijulio, Joakim Cederkäll, Claes Fahlander, Andreas Ekström, M. Hjorth-Jensen, Michael Albers, Vincenz Bildstein, Andrey Blazhev, Iain Darby, Thomas Davinson, Hilde De Witte, Jan Diriken, Christoph Fransen, Kerstin Geibel, Roman Gernhäuser, Andreas Görgen, Herbert L. Hess, Kris Heyde, Jendrek Iwanicki, Rudi LutterPeter Reiter, Marcus Scheck, Michael Seidlitz, Sunniva Siem, Jan Taprogge, Gry M. Tveten, Jorden van de Walle, Didier Voulot, Nigel V. Warr, Fredrik Wenander, Kathrin Wimmer

    Research outputpeer-review

    4 Scopus citations


    The radioactive isotope 107In was studied using sub-barrier Coulomb excitation at the REX-ISOLDE facility at CERN. Two γ rays were observed during the experiment, corresponding to the low-lying 11/2+ and 3/2- states. The reduced transition probability of the 11/2 + state was determined with the semiclassical Coulomb excitation code gosia2. The result is discussed in comparison to large-scale shell-model calculations, previous unified-model calculations, and earlier Coulomb excitation measurements in the odd-mass In isotopes.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number017301
    JournalPhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics
    Issue number1
    StatePublished - 11 Jan 2013

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Nuclear and High Energy Physics

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