Cu precipitation in electron-irradiated iron alloys for spent-fuel canisters

Qigui Yang, Zhongwen Chang, Luca Messina, Nils Sandberg, Nicolas Castin, Amine Yousfi, Elin Toijer, Mattias Thuvander, Bruno Boizot, Vincent Metayer, Dominique Gorse-Pomonti, Pâr Olsson

Research outputpeer-review


In this work, the Cu clustering in Fe under irradiation is investigated using experiments, cluster dynamics and atomistic kinetic Monte Carlo (AKMC) simulations. In experiments, cast iron and model FeCu alloy samples were irradiated with 2 MeV electrons for 143 h at 140 °C. The post-irradiation microstructure was characterized using atom probe tomography. Cluster dynamics and AKMC methods were used to simulate the Cu clustering under the same irradiation conditions. Both simulation methods show satisfactory agreement with experiments, lending strength to the validity of the models. Finally, the Cu clustering in spent-fuel repository conditions for 105 years at 100 °C was simulated using both methods. The results indicate that potential hardening by Cu clustering is insignificant over 105 years.
Original languageEnglish
Article number154038
Pages (from-to)1-10
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of Nuclear Materials
StatePublished - 15 Dec 2022

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