Current status of the engineering design of the test modules for the IFMIF

Michiyoshi Yamamoto, Frederik Arbeiter, Takehiko Yokomine, Eiichi Wakai, Juergen Theile, Angela Garcia, David Rapisarda, Natalia Casal, Avelino Mas, Philippe Gouat, Willem Leysen, Vincent Massaut

    Research outputpeer-review


    tUnder Broader Approach (BA) Agreement between EURATOM and Japan, IFMIF/EVEDA (InternationalFusion Materials Irradiation Facility/Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activities) has beenperformed since the middle of 2007. IFMIF presents three main facilities (the Accelerator Facility, LiTarget Facility and Test Facilities). A previous design of IFMIF was summarized in the comprehensivedesign report. The present EVEDA phase aims at producing a detailed, complete and fully integratedengineering design of IFMIF. The delivery of the “Intermediate IFMIF Engineering Design Report” is fore-seen mid-2013. The goal of IFMIF is to obtain the indispensable design database to allow the design andlicensing of DEMO and ensuring commercial reactors thanks to the materials data set obtained fromplanned evaluation tests such irradiations in high flux test modules (HFTM-vertical rig, HFTM-horizontalrig), medium flux test modules (creep fatigue test module, tritium release test module, liquid breedervalidation module) and low flux test modules of IFMIF. In addition, the Startup Monitoring Module willbe used for IFMIF commissioning. This paper is summarizing the overall current progress status of theengineering and conceptual design of the test modules in IFMIF/EVEDA.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)746-750
    Journalfusion engineering and design
    Issue number6-8
    StatePublished - 11 May 2013
    Event2012 - SOFT : 27th Symposium on Fusion Technology - TEC (Trilateral Euregio Cluster), Liège
    Duration: 24 Sep 201228 Sep 2012

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