Curriculum Development in times of a pandemic

David Sjöberg, Anders Johansson, S. Strömberg, Tom Clarijs, L. Trudic, S. Rutjes, Svenja Stoven

    Research outputpeer-review

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    The European project MELODY is developing and evaluating a basic CBRN training curriculum for First responders and First receivers. As an adaptation to pandemic restrictions, pilot courses in form of face-to-face classroom lectures and hands-on training for end-users are partly supplemented with digital evaluation events focusing on eLearning and online webinars. Despite different settings, initial analysis of data from one face-to-face and one online evaluation event indicate that overall the curriculum is wellsuited for its purpose. Results from both tests point towards the same weaknesses regarding specific learning objectives. Two more tests need to be performed and analysed. The conclusions will inform further improvement of the curriculum before its final validation in another round of pilot courses in four European countries.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication7th International Conference on Education and Training in Radiation Protection ETRAP 2021
    Subtitle of host publicationRadiation protection training in a virtual setting -challenges and opportunities
    Number of pages8
    ISBN (Electronic)9789076971247
    StatePublished - 23 Mar 2021
    Event2021 - ETRAP: 7th International Conference on Education and Training in Radiation Protection - Online
    Duration: 23 Mar 202126 Mar 2021


    Conference2021 - ETRAP
    Internet address

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