D 2.9-Annual SRA statements from MELODI, ALLIANCE, NERIS and EURADOS

S. Salomaa, Nathalie Impens

    Research outputpeer-review

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    Annual SRA Statements from MELODI, ALLIANCE, NERIS and EURADOS have been compiled by collecting the SRA Statements from the platforms. This material serves as input for Joint Programming (WP3). While there will be no more RTD calls during the CONCERT project, there will be calls organized by Euratom and national funding bodies. Each platform considered the same criteria for prioritization and provided a ranked list of priorities as summarized below. As in 2016, the criteria for prioritization were: - Feasibility (research judged to be achievable in the near future) - Importance in terms of improved radiation protection system - Relevance for operational radiation protection (BSS implementation) - Multidisciplinarity (biology, epidemiology, dosimetry) - Synergy with other radiation research platforms (ALLIANCE, EURADOS, NERIS, EURAMED, European Medical Associations –ESR, ESTRO, EANM, EFRS, EFOMP) - Timeliness - Avoidance of overlap of topics with other calls or topics that have been recently funded and outcome from projects that have recently ended.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherEC - European Commission
    StatePublished - 7 Jul 2017

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