D2.11 – Identifying research needs and R&D priorities supporting the implementation of BSS (2)

G. Safrany, Katalin Lumniczky, S. Salomaa, Hildegarde Vandenhove

    Research outputpeer-review

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    The aim of Task 2.7 of CONCERT was to look for research and innovation needs that might help the transplantation and implementation of Council Directive 2013/59/EURATOM of 5 December 2013 laying down basic safety standards for protection against the dangers arising from exposure to ionising radiation and provide input to joint programming of integrative research actions. To achieve our aims we organised a workshop and participated in meetings involving the European Commission and national authorities, regulators as well as Technical Support Organizations (TSOs). The Workshop was organised during the ICRP/Radiation Protection Week meeting in Paris, France at October 10, 2017 to conclude Task2.7 related problems and unravel national needs. Twenty-three participants attended the workshop including Task 2.7 members, CONCERT, MELODI, EURADOS, NERIS, EURAMED, ALLIANCE leaders, as well as ICRP and EU representatives. During the workshop we discussed the most burning research needs of BSS implementations and tried to uncover further necessary research directions to improve the scientific background of radiation protection. The latter point was the main aim of an Article 31 group organised meeting on the epigenetic effect of ionising radiation. A few Task 2.7 members actively participated on this event. Task 2.7 members were also actively involved in European Union organised RISKAUDIT and MESTRA meetings to help the implementation of the new EURATOM directives. Finally, we can summarise those fields that needs active research on the radiation protection fields as follows: The effects of protracted exposure and low dose effects; Mechanism of low dose effects; Organ-specific and age and sex differences in tissue radiation sensitivity; The role of genetic differences in individual radiosensitivity; 5. Effects other than cancer and genetic effects and their contribution to detriment; 6. Relating exposure, doses and effects in predicting viability of non-human biota; Reliability of dose estimates; Dosimetry and protection methods in medicine; Ethical and social dimensions in radiation protection
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherEC - European Commission
    StatePublished - 1 Dec 2017

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