D9.103 – An IPS based on an infrared reflection time-of-flight sensor camera together with the corresponding software

Mahmoud Abdelrahman, Pasquale Lombardo, Joan Aranda

    Research outputpeer-review

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    The objective of PODIUM is to develop an online dosimetry system based on computer simulations, which can potentially replace physical dosimeters. With this innovative approach, we also aim to improve personal dosimetry and radiation protection by reducing uncertainties, by accelerating the assessment of occupational doses and by increasing awareness among radiation workers. The online dosimetry system of PODIUM is based on two principles: i) With the use of a body tracking device, we locate position and posture of workers in proximity of a radiation source ii) By means of fast Monte Carlo simulations or with a look-up table of pre-calculated dose conversion coefficients, we compute doses in real-time. With this deliverable, the PODIUM partners provide an indoor position system (IPS) for tracking the position and the posture of occupationally exposed workers. The IPS is constituted by a single KINECT v.2 Time-Of-Flight camera and by a software package consisting of two main programs. One program is used for the calibration of the camera, and the second is used for the acquisition of tracking data. The tracking system was developed by SCK•CEN, and it was tested with the collaboration of UPC.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherEC - European Commission
    Number of pages16
    StatePublished - 1 Jul 2018

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