D9.111 - Report summarizing the feasibility of the methods, and the accuracy of personal dosimetry in the real workplace

Olivier Van Hoey, Rick Tanner, Mahmoud Abdelrahman, Filip Vanhavere, Jon Eakins, Luke Hager

    Research outputpeer-review

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    For PODIUM WP5, which handles the application of the PODIUM approach in mixed neutron-photon workplace fields, two measurement campaigns have taken place. The goal of these measurement campaigns was to evaluate the feasibility of the PODIUM approach in neutron workplace fields and more specifically to investigate how the neutron field can be characterized in an efficient and sufficiently accurate way by measurements and/or simulations. The first measurement campaign was in a controlled environment, where all parameters are known, and the neutron field can be well characterised. For this, the PHE calibration facility was chosen, with an adjustment to make the field simulate a real workplace field. The second measurement campaign was in a more realistic neutron field, where not all details of the neutron fields were known, and where temperature and environmental conditions can change. Such a realistic neutron field wasfound at SCK•CEN. The measurements in this realistic field are the subject of this deliverable. For this SCK•CEN field one MOX transport container was placed at a specific location, so that measurements could be made around this container without disturbing other activities in this hall. This container was filled with MOX fuel rods, so that sufficient neutron dose rates could be measured. Around this container, SCK•CEN and PHE did measurements with as many neutron dosemeters and spectrometers as could be obtained, and an IPS (indoor positioning system from WP1) was also installed at this location. The measurements hence took place from June to September 2019.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherEC - European Commission
    Number of pages29
    StatePublished - 6 Nov 2019

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