D9.113 - Report from the feasibility study performed in two hospitals

Mahmoud Abdelrahman, Pasquale Lombardo, Anja Almén

    Research outputpeer-review

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    The main aim of the work Package 4 is to validate the tool in hospitals, in particular in interventional radiology/cardiology. In order to accomplish this, the work was divided into two main tasks. The first task is to test the online application in an experimental set-up using clinical X-ray equipment (described in D9.110) and the second was to test the tool during routine or typical clinical interventions. The goal of this report is to present the work that has been done on the second task, validation in a real clinical environment during patient procedures. The report contains 6 cases. The first case is an extended validation of the experimental set up described in D9.110. In this report, the three selected Monte Carlo calculation codes used in PODIUM: PENELOPE/penEasyIR, MCGPU-IR, MCNPx, as well as, IPP-SE, the new software based on the look-up table approach, are compared with the measurements in D9.110. The other 5 cases are all new measurements made during patient interventions, 2 at Skåne university hospital, Malmö (Sweden) and 3 in St. James’s Hospital, Dublin (Ireland).
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherEC - European Commission
    Number of pages54
    StatePublished - 11 Dec 2019

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