D9.114- Report summarizing the experimental and clinical findings when using the online dosimetry application

Mahmoud Abdelrahman, Pasquale Lombardo, U. O'Connor

    Research outputpeer-review

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    The objective of the PODIUM project is to develop a user-friendly online tool to calculate the radiation dose to workers. This is done by combining positioning information from individual staff members using the developed Indoor Positioning System (IPS) based on the Microsoft Kinect 3D camera as well as information on the radiation field and the geometry of the room. The main aim of Work Package 4 is to validate the tool in hospitals, in particular in interventional radiology. In order to accomplish this, the work was divided into two main tasks. The first task was to test the online application in an experimental set-up using clinical X-ray equipment and the second was to test the tool during routine or typical clinical interventions. These tasks, involving experimental and clinical tests, have been used to indicate development needs in order to understand the full clinical relevance of the online dosimetry application. A summary of both has been presented in the deliverable reports D9.110 and D9.113. This report explores the possibilities and limitations of the application taking into account the clinical situation. The goal of this report is to build on lessons learned from the experimental and clinical validation presented in D9.110 and D9.113 and to use this learning to identify future improvement needs for the online dosimetry application in hospitals.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherEC - European Commission
    Number of pages19
    StatePublished - 5 Dec 2019

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